
We can defend your reputation and protect your future.

It takes years to build a good reputation

Words can hurt you, your business and your future. We’ll look after you in any defamation matters.

It takes years to build a good reputation and it can be destroyed so quickly, especially with the explosive growth and acceptance of social media.

But it’s not only your personal reputation that suffers. Defamation can also negatively affect your business and its earning potential, your staff, and your family.

If you’ve been the victim of defamatory comments or targeted online, we can defend your reputation and protect your future.

Court can be costly and stressful, so where possible we help you resolve defamation issues and avoid having a defamation matter brought before the court.  


” Jenny is also very compassionate, responsive and down to earth, and above all a fantastic solicitor/lawyer.”

E. Feligueira, Boost Juice Franchisee